Calendar.contactNameFormat Property
See Also

Gets or sets a value indicating how to format and display contact names in view headers.

Namespace: MindFusion.Scheduling
File: Calendar.js


JavaScript  Copy Code

get contactNameFormat() {}
set contactNameFormat(value) {}

 Property Value


The format string.


Use the capital letters F, M and L as placeholders for the First, Middle and Last names. Any other character will be displayed unchanged.


The following code initializes a new Calendar, sets its view to List and specifies that the last name should be rendered for contacts. Note: the code assumes you have initialized a <div> element with id "calendar" in a web page that references the JavaScript file with this code.

JavaScript  Copy Code

var p = MindFusion.Scheduling;

// create a new instance of the calendar
calendar = new p.Calendar(document.getElementById("calendar"));
// set the view to List
calendar.currentView = p.CalendarView.List;

calendar.contactNameFormat = "L";  

 See Also