ListSettings.headerStyle Property
See Also

Gets or sets the style of the view header.

Namespace: MindFusion.Scheduling
File: ListSettings.js


JavaScript  Copy Code

get headerStyle() {}

 Property Value

One of the MainHeaderStyle enumeration values.


The following code uses the listSettings property to specify that the header style of calendar items is none e.g. the header shall not be visible.  The code assumes you have initialized a <div> element with id "datePicker" in a web page that references the JavaScript file which contains this code.

JavaScript  Copy Code

var p = MindFusion.Scheduling;

var datePicker = new p.Calendar(document.getElementById("datePicker"));
datePicker.currentView = p.CalendarView.List;
datePicker.theme = "light";
datePicker.listSettings.visibleCells = datePicker.listSettings.numberOfCells = 30;
datePicker.listSettings.headerStyle = p.MainHeaderStyle.None;

 See Also