Reminder.timeInterval Property
See Also

Gets or sets how much time before the item's scheduled start time to raise the event that triggers the Reminder.

Namespace: MindFusion.Scheduling
File: Reminder.js


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get timeInterval() {}

 Property Value

A TimeSpan instance.


The value of this property is considered only if the type of the reminder is set to ReminderType.Leading.


The following code creates a schedule item with a Reminder that starts one minute before the event is due to take place:

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var p = MindFusion.Scheduling;
// add an item with reminder
item = new p.Item();
item.startTime = p.DateTime.addMinutes(date, 2);
item.endTime = p.DateTime.addHours(item.startTime, 2);
item.subject = "GYM";

var reminder = new p.Reminder();
reminder.message = "Speaking of the " + item.subject + ", go!!";
reminder.type = p.ReminderType.Leading;
reminder.timeInterval = p.TimeSpan.fromMinutes(1);
item.reminder = reminder;

 See Also