
The chart legend can be customized through a set of properties in the Chart class. The legend can be shown or hidden through the ShowLegend property. The position of the legend relatively to the plot area is specified through LegendPosition. The text font and color of the legend are specified through the LegendFontName, LegendFontSize, LegendFontBoldLegendFontItalic, LegendFontUnderlineLegendFontStrikeout, and LegendTextColor properties. If any of these properties are null, the legend uses the corresponding property of the chart. For example, if LegendFontName is null (the default), the legend will use the FontName property of the chart. The appearance of the legend can be modified through the LegendFill, LegendBorderColor, LegendBorderSize, and LegendBorderStyle properties. The number of lanes in the legend can be set through LegendLanes.