Worksheet Class
Remarks See Also

Represents a worksheet in a workbook, that is, a rectangular grid of cells containing data.

Namespace: com.mindfusion.spreadsheet
Package: com.mindfusion.spreadsheet


Java  Copy Code

public class Worksheet implements ICanTrackChanges, IHasName, ISupportInitialize, INotifyPropertyValueChanged


The Worksheet class represents a rectangular grid of cells. Each cell can contain data, such as numbers, text, and formulas. The cells in the worksheet are accessed through the Cells property, by providing the cell name or the zero-based indices of the cell's column and row. The cell name is specified in the A1 or R1C1 formats. For example, the cell with column 2 and row 3 (both zero-based) can be referenced by name by using either "C4" or "R4C3". The individual cells in the worksheet are represented by the Cell class. This class can be used to manage the cell's data, style the cell, and so on.

The Worksheet class can also provide access to a rectangular subset of cells through the CellRange class. Instances of this class can be obtained through the CellRanges collection by specifying the top, left, bottom, and right cells of the cell area of interest. The CellRange objects can be used to style the entire range of cells, to merge and unmerge the cells in the range, and so on.

The rows and columns in the worksheet are represented by the Row and Column classes respectively. The individual rows and columns are obtained by indexing the Rows and Columns collections. The Row and Column objects can be used to adjust the size of the respective row and column and to style all cells in the row or column.

In addition to the regular data, the worksheet can also contain pictures and charts (collectively known as drawings). The drawings in the worksheet are managed through the Drawing object.

The Worksheet class is a model, that is, it does not provide visualization. To display a worksheet inside a JFrame, use the library's WorksheetView control.

 Inheritance Hierarchy


 See Also