FindReplaceForm Class
Remarks See Also

Represents a form that can be used to find and/or replace texts matching a specified criteria.

Namespace: com.mindfusion.spreadsheet.standardforms
Package: com.mindfusion.spreadsheet.standardforms


Java  Copy Code

public class FindReplaceForm extends JDialog


To use the form, create an instance of the FindReplaceForm class, providing the workbook to search and the cell to start the search from, and call the setVisible method. The various options can be get or set through the respective form properties Find, Replace, FindWithin, SearchOrder, LookInMatchCase, WholeCells. When the user clicks the Find or Replace buttons, if there is a found cell, the form raises the cellFound event. When the user performs a multiple search and clicks on any of the entries in the result list, the form raises the cellActivated event.

 Inheritance Hierarchy


 See Also