Name | Description | |
Overloaded. Applies a Theme to the calendar. |
Starts in-place editing mode for the specified item to let users edit the item's text. |
Implements the ISupportInitialize.BeginInit method. Call this method before making several consecutive changes to the control to suppress internal updates, but don't forget to invoke EndInit at the end. |
Overloaded. Collapses the row associated with the specified resource. |
Overloaded. Reassigns new lane indices to schedule items. |
Implements the ISupportInitialize.EndInit method. Call this method to signal that object initialization started with BeginInit is complete. |
Overloaded. Ensures that the specified date or item is visible within the control, scrolling the contents of the control if necessary. |
Overloaded. Expands the row associated with the specified resource. |
Overloaded. Gets the Contact object whose schedule is displayed at a specified coordinates. |
Gets the calendar's cell content bounds. |
Overloaded. Returns the date of the calendar cell located at the specified coordinates. |
Gets the bounding rectangle of a particular calendar element. |
Overloaded. Returns the date located at a specified position. |
Gets the first date of the time range displayed in the calendar. |
Determines which is the first visible date in the current view. |
Determines which is the first visible resource in the current view. |
For internal use. |
Overloaded. Gets the scheduled Item object displayed at a specified coordinates. |
Retrieves the bounding rectangle of the specified item. |
Gets the index of the lane of the specified item within a List view whose FreeDrag property is enabled. |
Gets the last date of the time range displayed in the calendar. |
Determines which is the last visible date in the current view. |
Determines which is the last visible resource in the current view. |
Retrieves the index of the List view lane at the specified point, expressed in client coordinates. |
Overloaded. Gets the Location object whose schedule is displayed at a specified coordinates. |
Overloaded. Gets the Resource object whose schedule is displayed at a specified coordinates. |
Overloaded. Gets the Task object whose schedule is displayed at a specified coordinates. |
Retrieves a collection with all currently visible items. |
Invoked to handle long press interactions. |
Invoked to handle touch down interactions. |
Invoked to handle touch move interactions. |
Invoked to handle touch up interactions. |
Overloaded. Repaints the control. |
Overloaded. Checks whether the row associated with the specified resource in a Resource view is expanded. |
Loads schedule data from the specified file. |
Loads the view settings under the specified name from the specified XML document. |
Draws the calendar to the specified graphics. |
If there is a drag operation in progress, it is canceled. |
Resets the view-related item data contained in the underlying schedule. For example, items moved around in a list view with enabled FreeDrag property have their relative positions within the view reset. |
Resumes the previously paused drag operation. |
Saves the underlying schedule to the specified file. |
Saves the view settings to the specified XML document under the specified name. |
Sets the lane index for the specified item within a List view whose FreeDrag property is enabled. |
For internal use. |
Sets the displayed time interval to the specified range, optionally changing the view resolution. If the interval is outside of the view range, the view range is expanded to include the interval. |
Returns a new date representing the the specified date when snapped according to the current Resource View settings. |
Temporarily pauses the current drag operation. |
Forces an update of the control. |
Updates the position of the calendar's child controls such as buttons and scrollbars. |
Name | Description | |
Raises the BeginItemDrawing event. |
Raises the CustomizeText event. |
Raises the DateClick event. |
Raises the Draw event. |
Raises the Drawing event. |
Raises the EndItemDrawing event. |
Raises the FilterItem event. |
Raises the ItemClick event. |
Raises the ItemCreated event. |
Raises the ItemCreating event. |
Raises the ItemDeleted event. |
Raises the ItemDeleting event. |
Raises the ItemDeselecting event. |
Raises the ItemDrawing event. |
Raises the ItemInplaceEdited event. |
Raises the ItemInplaceEditEnding event. |
Raises the ItemInplaceEditStarting event. |
Raises the ItemListLaneChanged event. |
Raises the ItemModificationCanceled event. |
Raises the ItemModified event. |
Raises the ItemModifying event. |
Raises the ItemSelecting event. |
Raises the ItemSelectionChanged event. |
Raises the ItemSelectionComplete event. |
Raises the ItemsModified event. |
Raises the ListViewHeaderClick event. |
Raises the MenuCreated event. |
Raises the MonthCellClick event. |
Raises the MonthHeaderClick event. |
Raises the MonthWeekHeaderClick event. |
Raises the RecurringItemDeleting event. |
Raises the Repaint event. |
Raises the ResourceViewBottomTimelineClick event. |
Raises the ResourceViewMiddleTimelineClick event. |
Raises the ResourceViewRowHeaderClick event. |
Raises the ResourceViewTopTimelineClick event. |
Raises the Scroll event. |
AbsoluteLayout.OnSizeAllocated override. |
Raises the TimetableColumnHeaderClick event. |
Raises the VisibleDateChanged event. |