Dashboard Layout

Dashboard layout is implemented via Panel classes that can contain multiple child Component objects. SimplePanel arranges its children on top of each other and can be useful for hosting overlapping components with transparent regions. StackPanel arranges its children in horizontal or vertical stacks. GridPanel arranges its children in a grid of rows and columns. The target cell of a component inside a GridPanel is specified via its GridRow and GridColumn properties.

The hierarchy of dashboard's components starts from its RootPanel. By default, RootPanel contains an ImageComponent for drawing BackgroundImage, and the LayoutPanel where you should add objects that participate in layout and should be placed relatively to each other. Chart and its derived classes automatically add PlotPanel to LayoutPanel to host Plot, AxisRenderer and ImageComponent for PlotImage. You can add your own components and panels to any of the pre-defined panels listed above.

The LayoutBuilder class and LayoutBuilder property of the Dashboard let you add commonly used layout fragments to the component hierarchy. It also takes care of setting various alignment and orientation properties, such as PlotLeftSide of YAxisRenderer passed as left axis to CreatePlotAndAxes method.