StackRenderer.ProcessStackRange Delegate
See Also

Defines the signature of delegates called to process all points from current data range at once.

Namespace: MindFusion.Charting
Assembly: MindFusion.Charting


C#  Copy Code

protected delegate void StackRenderer.ProcessStackRange (
    int seriesIndex,
    List<Point> points,
    List<Point> prevPoints

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Protected Delegate Sub StackRenderer.ProcessStackRange( _
    seriesIndex As Integer, _
    points As List(Of Point), _
    prevPoints As List(Of Point) _



An integer index of series in Series list.


A list of Point values containing the Plot2D coordinates corresponding to data items in currently visible range.


A list of Point values containing the Plot2D coordinates corresponding to previous series in currently visible range.

 See Also