TableNode.Row Class
Remarks See Also

Represents a row in TableNode node.

Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming
Assembly: MindFusion.Diagramming


C#  Copy Code

public class TableNode.Row

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Class TableNode.Row


Table rows can be assigned to distinct sections of a table. For example, sections could contain rows representing different types of class members in class diagrams, there could be one section displaying the methods, another one for the events and one more for the properties of a class. Each section can be collapsed or expanded, hiding or showing all rows in the section except the header one. To define a section, set a Header row. A section consists of all rows after a header row and spans to the next header. Each header row displays a [±] button that allows expanding or collapsing the section interactively. Sections can be collapsed and expanded programmatically using the Expanded property of the header row.

The height of a row is set via the Height property. That determines the height of all non-spanning cells contained within the row. Cells can be made to span several rows by setting their RowSpan property.

Rows can be bound together to represent relationship between database tables. The relationship can be one to many and many to one. The tables that stay on the left side of M:1 relationships are stored in the RelatedManyToOne collection; the tables in 1:M relationship with the row are stored in the RelatedOneToMany collection.

The relationship between tables is shown with links. You can access the DiagramLink elements that go out of a table row via the OutgoingLinks property. Links that come into a given row can be accessed with the IncomingLinks property.

 Inheritance Hierarchy


 See Also