Name | Description | |
Returns a point of the alignment grid nearest to the one passed as an argument. |
Determines whether node can be placed at specified coordinates. |
Arranges the diagram using the specified graph layout algorithm. |
Arranges the diagram using the specified graph layout algorithm, and animates items moving to their new positions. |
Arranges the diagram asynchronously using the specified graph layout algorithm. |
Rearranges link labels whose AutoArrange property is enabled. |
Sets new MeasureUnit value and scales the coordinates of diagram items so that their absolute size remains unchanged. |
Removes all items from the diagram. |
Creates a copy of this diagram. |
Overloaded. Creates a copy of specified diagram elements. |
Copies this diagram's properties and items to specified target diagram. |
Overloaded. Creates a bitmap containing an image of the diagram. |
Creates an IGraphics object that can be used to obtain various string size measurements. |
Creates a Theme object representing the default properties of the diagram. |
Renders the diagram on the specified IGraphics object. |
Draws the current alignment guides. |
Draws the items that the user is currently modifying. |
For internal use. |
Renders all diagram items to the specified graphics. |
Draws a formatted text string, the same way text is drawn in shape nodes whose EnableStyledText property is set to true. This method lets you display styled text in custom-drawn nodes or links. |
Returns TouchHitDistance or a default value. |
Hit-tests diagram items in reverse Z order. |
Hit-tests diagram top-level items in reverse Z order. |
Executes the specified command on this diagram. |
Finds the group that has the specified tag value. |
Finds the link that has the specified tag value. |
Finds the link that has the specified id value. |
Finds the node that has the specified tag value. |
Finds the node that has the specified id value. |
Returns the smallest rectangle that bounds all diagram objects. |
Overloaded. |
Overloaded. Finds and returns the link that lies at the specified location. |
Returns the links that contain the specified point. |
Returns the node nearest to the specified point. |
Overloaded. Gets the node that lies at the specified location. |
Returns the nodes that contain the specified point. |
Returns all nodes visible in the current viewport. |
Propagates keyboard input to interested manipulators and components. |
Propagates keyboard input to interested manipulators. |
Propagates keyboard input to interested components. |
Propagates mouse input to interested manipulators. |
Tests whether the specified point is within a component of a diagram item and returns this component. |
Returns the item label located at specified position. |
Tests whether the specified point is within the manipulator of a diagram object and triggers the manipulator. |
Overloaded. Invalidates the diagram or a region of the diagram, causing it to be repainted. |
Forces a new sort of the Z order list before next redraw. |
Checks if a class is registered for serialization support. |
Checks if a class is registered for JSON serialization support. |
Checks if the specified item can be modified interactively. |
Checks if the specified item is locked. |
Checks if the specified item is currently visible. |
Loads the diagram from a JSON-formatted string. |
Loads the diagram from a JSON-formatted string. |
Loads the diagram from a JSON file. |
Loads the diagram from a JSON file. |
Loads the diagram from a JSON object. |
Decodes diagram contents from a string that was created with SaveToString. |
Overloaded. Loads the contents of an XML diagram document into the control. |
Overloaded. |
Overloaded. Measures a text taking into consideration the current affine transform of the diagram. |
Selects the nearest item in the specified direction. |
Custom Diagram classes must override this method to return an instance of their type. |
Adds the specified items and groups to the specified diagram document. |
Raises the CellTextEdited event . |
Raises the CellTextEditing event to validate entering in-place editing mode. |
Overloaded. Raises the Clicked event of the diagram or one of the *Clicked events related to diagram items. |
Raises the appropriate *Created event according to the type of the specified item. |
Raises the appropriate *Deleting event according to the type of the specified item. |
Overloaded. Raises the DoubleClicked event of the diagram or one of the *DoubleClicked events related to diagram items. |
Raises the LinkTextEdited event. |
Raises the LinkTextEditing event to validate entering inplace edit mode. |
Raises the NodeModified event. |
Raises the appropriate Pointed event. |
Raises the NodeModifying event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the NodeTextEdited event. |
Raises the NodeTextEditing event to validate entering inplace edit mode. |
Raises the appropriate Pasted event. |
Raises the appropriate Selecting event. |
Raises the TreeItemTextEditing event to validate entering inplace edit mode. |
Raises the ViewRemoved event. |
Overloaded. |
Registers a default style for the objects of the specified type. |
Overloaded. |
For internal use. |
Resizes the document extents so that the specified item is contained within. |
Overloaded. Resizes the document scrollable area so it fits all diagram items. |
Called when the control ends a batch update operation that might affect many links. |
Overloaded. |
Saves the diagram selection to a JSON object. |
Saves the diagram to a JSON-formatted string. |
Saves the diagram to a JSON-formatted string. |
Saves the diagram into a JSON file. |
Saves the diagram into a JSON file. |
Saves the diagram to a JSON object. |
Encodes the diagram contents into an ASCII string using the specified format and optionally clearing the Dirty flag. |
Overloaded. Saves the diagram to an XML document. |
Overloaded. |
Sets the default offset at which items shadows are drawn. |
Called when the control starts a batch update operation that might affect many links. The diagram collects links specified through Route and RouteAllLinks calls and defers finding their paths to when ResumeLinkRouter is called. |
Specifies whether the diagram view should track mouse hover events. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Gets or sets the scale to use when measuring texts. This should be effectively set to the value of DiagramView.Zoom / 100. |
For internal use. |
Immediately sorts the Z-order list if Z-order has been invalidated. Otherwise it will be sorted next time the diagram draws its contents. |
Name | Description | |
Invoked by the AddItemCmd and RemoveItemCmd classes to effectively add the specified item to the diagram. |
Creates an AddItemCmd instance that implements undo/redo of adding an item to the diagram. |
Creates a ModifyItemCmd instance that implements undo/redo of item move and resize operations. |
Creates a RemoveItemCmd instance that implements undo/redo of removing an item from the diagram. |
Removes the specified group from the group collection. |
Clean up any resources being used. |
Gets the effective value of the style property with the specified name. |
Raises the ActionRecorded event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the ActionRecording event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the ActionRedone event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the ActionUndone event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the BeginLoad event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the BoundsChanged event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the CellClicked event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the CellDoubleClicked event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the CellTextEdited event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the CellTextEditing event to validate entering inplace edit mode. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the Clicked event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the ContainerChildAdded event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the ContainerChildRemoved event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the ContainerFolded event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the ContainerUnfolded event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the ContentVisibilityChanged event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the DefaultShapeChanged event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the DeserializeTag event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the DestinationAnchorChanged event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the DirtyChanged event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the DoubleClicked event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the DrawAdjustmentHandles event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the DrawAnchorPoint event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the DrawBackground event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the DrawBranchIndicator event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the DrawCell event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the DrawForeground event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the DrawLink event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the DrawNode event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the EndLoad event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the ExpandButtonClicked event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the GroupDestroyed event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the HitTestAdjustmentHandles event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the InitializeLasso event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the InitializeLink event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the InitializeNode event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the ItemAdded event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the ItemRemoved event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the JsonDeserializeTag event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the JsonSerializeTag event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the LayerVisibilityChanged event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the LinkActivated event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the LinkClicked event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the LinkCreateCancelled event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the LinkCreated event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the LinkCreating event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the LinkDeactivated event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the LinkDeleted event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the LinkDeleting event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the LinkDeselected event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the LinkDoubleClicked event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the LinkHovered event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the LinkModified event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the LinkModifyCancelled event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the LinkModifying event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the LinkPasted event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the LinkRouted event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the LinkSelected event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the LinkSelecting event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the LinkSplit event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the LinkStartModifying event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the LinkTextEdited event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the LinkTextEditing event to validate entering inplace edit mode. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the MeasureUnitChanged event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the NodeActivated event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the NodeClicked event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the NodeCreateCancelled event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the NodeCreated event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the NodeCreating event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the NodeDeactivated event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the NodeDeleted event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the NodeDeleting event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the NodeDeselected event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the NodeDoubleClicked event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the NodeHovered event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the NodeModified event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the NodeModifyCancelled event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the NodeModifying event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the NodePasted event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the NodeSelected event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the NodeSelecting event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the NodeStartModifying event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the NodeTextEdited event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the NodeTextEditing event to validate entering inplace edit mode. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the OriginAnchorChanged event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the PropertyChanged event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the QueryAlignTarget event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the Repaint event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the RequestClipboard event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the RequestDrawInteractions event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the RequestTimer event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the SelectionChanged event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the SelectionModified event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the SelectionModifying event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the SerializeTag event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the SetSelfLoopShape event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the ShapeModified event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the ShapeNotDefined event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the TableColumnResized event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the TableColumnResizing event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the TableRowResized event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the TableRowResizing event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the TableSectionCollapsed event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the TableSectionExpanded event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the TreeCollapsed event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the TreeExpanded event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the TreeItemTextEditing event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the ValidateAnchorPoint event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the ValidateLinkCrossing event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Raises the ViewRemoved event. (Inherited from DiagramBase.) |
Invoked by the AddItemCmd and RemoveItemCmd classes to effectively remove the specified item from the diagram. |