ModifierKeyAction Enumeration
See Also

Defines the actions that can be assigned to a modifier key such as CTRL or ALT.

Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming
Assembly: Enum.js


JavaScript  Copy Code

// enum
ModifierKeyAction = {}


  Member name Description


Specifies that a modifier key does not have any specific function assigned to it.


Pan the view if the mouse is dragged while the modifier key is pressed down.


Start drawing a selection rectangle if the mouse is dragged while a modifier key is pressed down. Toggle the selection if an item is clicked while the key is down.


While the modifier key is pressed down, dragging the mouse starts creating a new item or drawing a selection rectangle instead of modifying a selected item. Otherwise, dragging the mouse could start modification of the selected item.


Magnifies the diagram objects under the mouse while the modifier key is pressed down.


Start drawing a zoom-lasso if the mouse is dragged while respective modifier key is pressed down.


Members of this enumeration can be assigned to the properties of view's modifierKeyActions.

 See Also