Finds and returns the top-most link that lies at the specified location, optionally excluding locked links from the search. The zero-based index of the exact link segment at the specified position is also returned.
Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming
Package: MindFusion.Diagramming
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public DiagramLink GetLinkAt ( |
Visual Basic
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Public Function GetLinkAt( _ |
A PointF specifying a diagram point in logical coordinates.
Specifies that locked links should be ignored by the search.
The DiagramLink found or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no item has been found.
Call the method to get the link at a certain place in the document. The method searches starting from the top of z-order and returns the first link found. The specified point might not be laying exactly on the link, but within a certain threshold distance from it. This threshold is specified through the second parameter. Locked and invisible links can be skipped from the search by setting the third parameter to true. The link's segment closest to the point is returned through the fourth parameter.
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