Defines properties that allow customizing the visualization of the calendar in Resource view.
The following tables list the members exposed by the ResourceViewSettings type.
Name | Description | |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the users can move the row headers. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether users are allowed to reorder resource rows via drag and drop. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the users can resize the row headers when GroupRowHeader is enabled. |
Gets the settings for the bottom timeline. |
Gets or sets the time offset of the first cell from the origin of the resource view. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the item collision processing is enabled. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the RowTitleFormat property will be taken into consideration. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the rows in the resource view can be expanded/collapsed. |
Gets or sets whether the active item should ignore collisions. |
Gets or sets the style of the grid lines. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the rows display the header as a group header. |
Gets or sets the color of the shadow cast by headers. |
Gets or sets the offset of the shadows from the headers that cast them. |
Gets or sets the style of the shadows cast by headers. |
Gets or sets the amount of space between headers. |
Gets or sets the days of the week that should not be displayed in a resource view. |
Gets or sets the style of the internal grid lines. |
Gets or sets the size of a single lane. |
Gets or sets the largest size allowed for resource items. |
Gets the settings for the middle timeline. |
Gets or sets the smallest size allowed for resource items. |
Gets or sets the minimum length for resources when the ResourceLengthMethod property is set to MinimumFixed. |
Gets or sets the smallest size allowed for resource rows. |
Gets or sets the color of reorder indicator line. |
Gets or sets the width of reorder indicator line. |
Gets or sets the method used to calculate the length of the resources. |
Gets or sets the method to be used when resizing resources in the view. |
Gets or sets the size of the row header. |
Gets or sets the string used to format and display resource titles in row headers. |
Gets or sets the time modification interval when the user scrolls the view. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display padding dates. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display the duration of individual resources. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the view displays sub ticks in the bottom timeline. |
Gets or sets the snap unit. |
Gets or sets the snap unit count. |
Gets or sets the appearance style used to paint calendar elements that don't have a distinct style assigned to them. |
Gets or sets the size of the sub ticks displayed in the bottom timeline. |
Gets or sets the number of timelines displayed in the view. |
Gets or sets the scale factor of the timeline. |
Gets the settings for the top timeline. |
Gets or sets the style of the view. |
Gets or sets the last visible time of displayed days. |
Gets or sets the number of rows visible in the view. |
Gets or sets the first visible time of displayed days. |
Gets or sets the style of the weekend cells. |
Name | Description | |
Raised when the view settings change. (Inherited from ViewSettings.) |