A base class for report items representing charts that use the rectangular coordinate system.
The following tables list the members exposed by the AxesChart type.
Name | Description | |
Initializes a new instance of the AxesChart class. |
Name | Description | |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the parent of this item will shrink when this item is hidden as a result of PageSectionVisibility. (Inherited from ReportItem.) |
Gets or sets the brush used for filling even grid stripes. |
Gets or sets the pen used for drawing the chart axis. |
Gets or sets the brush used for filling the axis shadow in 3D charts. |
Gets or sets the brush that fills the chart background. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the border of this chart. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the brushes for the chart. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the margins of the chart. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the pens for the chart. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets the size of the chart. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets from which member in the data source data is read. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the object, from which chart data is retrieved. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the depth of 3D charts. |
Gets or sets the distance between chart graphics drawn behind each other. |
Returns an empty Brush to indicate when themes are used that a Brush property is not set. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Returns an empty Pen to indicate when themes are used that a Pen property is not set. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the name of the font for all chart labels. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the brush used for filling odd grid stripes. |
Gets or sets the offset of custom grid labels. |
Gets or sets the length of the pointer to custom grid labels. |
Gets or sets a value that indicates if custom grid labels are drawn at grid lines or in the middle between each two adjacent grid lines. |
Gets or sets the pen for drawing grid lines. |
Gets or sets the type of the grid. |
Gets or sets the distance between adjacent grid lines in custom grids. |
Gets or sets the brushes for filling horizontal stripes in custom grids. |
Gets or sets the pens used for drawing horizontal grid lines in custom grids. |
Gets or sets the positions of horizontal lines in custom grids. |
Gets or sets the orientation of the chart. |
Gets or sets the brush for the chart labels. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the font for the chart labels. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the alignment of the legend alongside the chart. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the brush for the legend background. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the type of the legend border. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the margin between the legend border and the legend labels. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the brush for drawing the legend labels. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the count of columns with labels in the legend. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the font for the legend labels. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the type of the legend grid. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the legend labels. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the offset of the legend to the axis labels. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the pen for the legend outlining and grid. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the position of the legend. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the width of the legend's bounding rectangle. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the whether legend labels are wrapped. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the position of the item. (Inherited from ReportItem.) |
Gets or sets the master detail relation. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the chart pens and brushes are applied to the series or the element of the series. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets whether labels are drawn with the brush of the series they refer to. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the name of the report item. (Inherited from ReportItem.) |
Gets or sets the offset of the chart from the beginning of the axis. |
Gets or sets the offset into the axis of a 3D chart graphics. |
Gets or set a value indicating whether this item will be visible. This only applies to items placed in page sections. (Inherited from ReportItem.) |
Gets or sets the brush used for filling the plot area of the chart. |
Gets or sets the margins of the chart plot area. |
Gets or sets the pen for outlining the plot area. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display the chart legend. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the size of the item. (Inherited from ReportItem.) |
Gets or sets the sort order for the numbers in each data series. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the sort order of data series in multi-series charts. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the brush used for drawing the subtitle. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the font for the subtitle. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the text for the subtitle. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the brushes used for filling summary chart parts. |
Gets or sets the pens used for drawing summary chart parts. |
Gets or sets a list with the summary operations performed at chart data. |
Gets or sets the quality of text rendering for the chart. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the style theme. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the brush used for drawing the title. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the font for the title. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets the title text. (Inherited from Chart.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this item's design-time order will take precedence over the item's vertical position within the page design when determining the layout order. (Inherited from ReportItem.) |
Gets or sets the brushes used for filling vertical grid stripes in a custom grid. |
Gets or sets the pens used for drawing vertical lines in a custom grid. |
Gets or sets the positions of vertical lines in a custom grid. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the item will be printed in the report. (Inherited from ReportItem.) |
Gets or sets the appearance settings for the x-axis. |
Gets or sets the brushes for drawing custom grid labels at the X-axis. |
Gets or sets the labels drawn at the x-axis in a custom grid with vertical stripes. |
Gets or sets the orientation of the labels drawn at the X-axis in a custom grid with vertical stripes. |
Gets or sets custom labels for the x-axis. |
Gets or sets the database columns from which custom labels for the x-axis are retrieved. |
Gets or sets the appearance settings for the second y-axis. |
Gets or sets the brushes used for filling chart parts bound to the second y-axis. |
Gets or sets the pens used for drawing chart parts bound to the second y-axis. |
Gets or sets the data for the second Y-axis. |
Gets or sets the database columns, from which data for chart graphics bound to the second Y-axis is retrieved. |
Gets or sets the brushes for drawing custom grid labels at the Y2-axis. |
Gets or sets the labels for the second y-axis in a custom grid with horizontal stripes. |
Gets or sets the orientation for labels drawn at the second y-axis in a custom grid with horizontal stripes. |
Gets or sets custom labels for the second Y-axis. |
Gets or sets the database columns, from which custom labels for the second y-axis are retrieved. |
Gets or sets the appearance settings for the y-axis. |
Gets or sets the brushes for drawing custom grid labels at the Y-axis. |
Gets or sets the labels drawn at the y-axis in a custom grid with horizontal stripes. |
Gets or sets the orientation of labels drawn at the y-axis in a custom grid with horizontal stripes. |
Gets or sets custom labels for the y-axis. |
Gets or sets the database columns, from which custom labels for the y-axis are retrieved. |