Diagram Structure

The following topics are contained within this topic:

Standard Item Types
Information about the standard WpfDiagram item types, such as ShapeNode, TableNode and DiagramLink.

Custom Item Types
Information on how to implement and use custom item types.

Using WPF Controls as Nodes
Information on how to host WPF controls in WpfDiagram diagrams.

Creating and Deleting Items
Information on how to create and delete items both interactively and programmaticaly.

Accessing Items
Information about how to access the diagram items, how to get the selected items and how to find particular items in the diagram according to a specifiec criteria.

Attaching and Grouping Items
Information about the use of the Group class in orde to create hierarchies of dependent objects in WpfDiagram.

Information about how to organize items in layers and how to use the LayerListView control.

Collapsing and Expanding Tree Branches
Information on how to enable expanding diagram nodes.

Multiple Diagram Pages
Information about the multi-page DiagramDocument class and the TabbedDiagramView control.