DiagramItem.HitTestHandle Method
See Also

Determines whether a selection handle of this item is located at the specified point.

Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming.Wpf
Assembly: MindFusion.Diagramming.Wpf


C#  Copy Code

public abstract AdjustmentHandle HitTestHandle (
    Point point,
    double distance

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public MustOverride Function HitTestHandle( _
    point As Point, _
    distance As Double _
) As AdjustmentHandle



A Point value specifying where to look for a selection handle.


Maximum distance from a handle at which it is still considered as hit.

 Return Value

Returns an AdjustmentHandle instance representing the adjustment handle found at the specified location, or null if there is none.


Derived item types implement this method by returning instances of NodeAdjustmentHandle, LinkAdjustmentHandle, FreeFormHandle and ShapeAdjustmentHandle classes. You could call it when implementing custom hit-testing for standard types by handling the HitTestAdjustmentHandles event for nodes whose HandlesStyle is set to Custom.

 See Also