HtmlBuilder.CreateImageMap Method
See Also

Creates an HTML code for a MAP tag.

Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming.Wpf
Assembly: MindFusion.Diagramming.Wpf


C#  Copy Code

public string CreateImageMap (
    string mapName

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Function CreateImageMap( _
    mapName As String _
) As String



A string that represents the NAME attribute in the <MAP> tag.

 Return Value

A string value containing the generated HTML code.


There are <AREA> tags generated for each node or link whose HyperLink is not an empty string. Outlines of items that cannot be represented exactly with standard <AREA> shapes are approximated to polygons. The HREF attribute of the area is set to the value of item's HyperLink property. The ALT attribute is set to the value of item's ToolTip property.


The following HTML code:

HTML  Copy Code

<MAP NAME="diagram1">
    <AREA SHAPE ="RECT" COORDS="15,3,650,774" HREF="" ALT="">
    <AREA SHAPE ="POLY" COORDS="198,43,195,48,185,52,170,55,151,57,130,58,109,57,90,55,75,52,65,48,62,43,65,38,75,34,90,31,109,29,130,28,151,29,170,31,185,34,195,38,198,43" HREF="" ALT="">
    <AREA SHAPE ="POLY" COORDS="96,85,164,85,198,96,198,119,164,130,96,130,62,119,62,96" HREF="" ALT="">
    <AREA SHAPE ="RECT" COORDS="60,151,196,196" HREF="" ALT="">
    <AREA SHAPE ="RECT" COORDS="60,230,196,287" HREF="" ALT="">

is generated from the following code:

C#  Copy Code
HtmlBuilder hb = new HtmlBuilder(diagram);
string htmlCode = hb.CreateImageMap("diagram");
Visual Basic  Copy Code
Dim hb As HtmlBuilder = New HtmlBuilder(diagram)
Dim htmlCode As String = hb.CreateImageMap("diagram")

 See Also