FlowLayout.InsertNode Method
See Also

Inserts the specified node between two nodes connected by the specified link.

Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming.Wpf.Layout
Assembly: MindFusion.Diagramming.Wpf


C#  Copy Code

public bool InsertNode (
    DiagramNode node,
    DiagramLink linkToSplit,
    Diagram diagram

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Function InsertNode( _
    node As DiagramNode, _
    linkToSplit As DiagramLink, _
    diagram As Diagram _
) As Boolean


The DiagramNode to insert.
The DiagramLink to split.
A Diagram instance.

 Return Value

true if the node has been added successfully; otherwise, false.


You can use InsertNode to implement incremental layout of a diagram, for example, by adding new nodes drawn by the user or added by a context menu command. For this method to work correctly, RecreateGraph must be disabled.

 See Also