Layout.ArrangeAnimated Method
See Also

Applies the layout to the specified subset of items from the specified Diagram instance and animates items moving to their new positions.

Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming.Wpf.Layout
Assembly: MindFusion.Diagramming.Wpf


C#  Copy Code

public virtual bool ArrangeAnimated (
    Diagram diagram,
    int duration,
    AnimationType animationType,
    EasingType easingType

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Overridable Function ArrangeAnimated( _
    diagram As Diagram, _
    duration As Integer, _
    animationType As AnimationType, _
    easingType As EasingType _
) As Boolean



The Diagram that should be arranged.


An integer, specifying the duration of the animation in milliseconds.


A member of the AnimationType enumeration, specifying the animation type to use.


A member of the EasingType enumeration, specifying the type of easing function to apply to the animation.

 Return Value

true if the diagram has been arranged successfully; otherwise, false.

 See Also