BehaviorBase Class
Remarks See Also

An abstract base class for classes that defines how WpfDiagram reacts to users' actions with a mouse or other pointing devices.

Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming.Wpf.Behaviors
Assembly: MindFusion.Diagramming.Wpf


C#  Copy Code

public abstract class BehaviorBase : Interaction

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public MustInherit Class BehaviorBase
    Inherits Interaction


WpfDiagram comes with several predefined behavior classes that can be selected by the Behavior property of DiagramView. Custom behavior objects can be assigned to the CustomBehavior property.

To define a custom behavior class, implement the StartDraw method which specifies how the control responds when a user starts to draw with the mouse. Implement the GetTargetNode method to let users draw connections between nodes. The SetMouseCursor method is called while the mouse moves to let you set a custom mouse cursor depending on the current mouse location.

 Inheritance Hierarchy

 See Also