WmfExporter Class
Remarks See Also

Creates WMF (Windows MetaFile) images from the content of Diagram objects.

Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming.Wpf.Export
Assembly: MindFusion.Diagramming.Wpf.WmfExport


C#  Copy Code

public class WmfExporter

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Class WmfExporter


In order to use this component, add a reference to the MindFusion.Diagramming.Wpf.WmfExport assembly to your project. To create a WMF file from a diagram, create a WmfExporter instance and call its Export method, passing a Diagram object as parameter.

The exporter enumerates all graphics primitives contained in the WPF visual tree and creates corresponding WMF records. This enables custom graphics and hosted controls to be rendered in WMF too.

 Inheritance Hierarchy


 See Also