Represents nodes that can render SVG drawings.
The following tables list the members exposed by the SvgNode type.
Name | Description | |
Overloaded. |
Name | Description | |
Identifies the Bounds dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Idendifies the Brush dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Identifies the ClipText dependency property. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Identifies the EffectsSource dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Identifies the EnabledHandles property. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Identifies the FontFamily dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Identifies the FontSize dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Identifies the FontStretch dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Identifies the FontStyle dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Identifies the FontWeight dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Identifies the Id dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Identifies the ImagePadding dependency property. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Identifies the RotationAngle dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Identifies the StrokeDashCap dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Identifies the StrokeDashStyle dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Identifies the StrokeEndLineCap dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Identifies the StrokeLineJoin dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Identifies the StrokeMiterLimit dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Identifies the Stroke dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Identifies the StrokeStartLineCap dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Identifies the StrokeThickness dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Identifies the Template dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Identifies the TextAlignment dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Identifies the TextBrush dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Identifies the TextDecorations dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Identifies the TextPadding dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Identifies the Text dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Identifies the TextRotationAngle dependency property. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Identifies the TextTrimming dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Identifies the TextVerticalAlignment dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Identifies the TextWrapping dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
The Transform dependency property. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Name | Description | |
For internal use. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Name | Description | |
A Visual that contains the item's adjustment handles. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the node's shape flips when an edge is dragged over its opposite edge. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether users are allowed to draw incoming links to this node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether users are allowed to draw outgoing links from this node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Gets or sets the anchor points to which links are attached when connected to the node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Gets or sets the rectangle that defines the position of the diagram node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Gets or sets the brush used to fill the interior of this item. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to clip the Image assigned to this node to fit into the shape's geometry. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to clip the text assigned to this node to fit into the shape's geometry. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Gets whether text layout area has limited height. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Allows applying constraints to the location and size of the node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Gets the parent ContainerNode containing this node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Gets or sets an SvgContent instance representing the SVG drawing rendered in this node. |
Gets or sets the alignment of the SvgContent displayed in this node. |
Gets or sets whether to calculate content's boundaries from coordinates of SVG elements. |
Gets or sets the type of custom drawing performed on this shape node. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Gets a collection with all effects applied to this node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Gets or sets the kinds of modifications that end-users are permitted to perform on the node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether styled text rendering is enabled. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether users are allowed to expand or collapse the subtree that starts from this node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the subtree starting from this node is expanded. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Image bitmap should be flipped when the shape node is flipped (FlipX and/or FlipY are enabled). (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the node's shape is flipped horizontally. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the node's shape is flipped vertically. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Gets or sets the preferred font family for this DiagramItem. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets the font size for this DiagramItem. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets the font-stretching characteristics for this DiagramItem. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets the font style for this DiagramItem. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets the font weight for this DiagramItem. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets the node's point that should align to a grid point when the node is moved. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating how the node adjustment handles behave and what do they look like. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Gets or sets the hyperlink associated with this diagram item. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets user-defined identifier associated with this item. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the position of this item should not be changed by automatic layout methods. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets the image that is displayed in this shape node. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Gets or sets the alignment of the image displayed in this shape node. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Gets or sets the padding distance between node's borders and Image. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Gets a collection of links that point to the node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Returns the list of supplementary labels displayed by this node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Gets or sets the zero-based index of the layer this item is associated with, or -1, if the item is not associated with a layer. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Contains properties specific to each layout algorithm. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether users are allowed to edit the diagram item. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets a reference to the group to which this node is attached. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Returns the node's Container or main item of MasterGroup. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this node is considered an obstacle by the link-routing algorithm. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Gets a collection of links that start from this node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Gets the diagram that contains this item. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets the plain text of this shape node. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Gets or sets a flag indicating whether node's Text is formatted in non-rectangular outline. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to print the item. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Image should be rotated when the shape node is rotated. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Text should be rotated when the shape node is rotated. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Gets or sets the rotation angle of this node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
For internal use. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a diagram item is selected. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets a reference to the node's geometric shape definition. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Gets or sets the angle specifying the orientation with which a shape template is applied to the node bounds. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Gets or sets the Brush that specifies how the item outline is painted. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets a PenLineCap enumeration value that specifies how the ends of a dash are drawn. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets the pattern of dashes and gaps used to outline items. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets a PenLineCap enumeration value that specifies what shape to draw at the end of a Stroke. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets a PenLineJoin enumeration value that specifies the type of join that is used at the vertices of the item's outline. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets a limit on the ratio of the miter length to half the StrokeThickness of an item outline element. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets a PenLineCap enumeration value that specifies what shape to draw at the start of a Stroke. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets the width of the DiagramItem stroke outline. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets a reference to the group of items that are attached to this one. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets a URL used to load an SVG file into this node. |
Gets or sets the DataTemplate used to display this node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Gets or sets the text displayed inside this item. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets a value that indicates the horizontal alignment of text content. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets the brush used to draw the item's text. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets the effects to apply to the text of this DiagramItem. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets the alignment of the text that is displayed inside shape nodes. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Returns position of text lines displayed by this node, as wrapped to fit the content of its Text property inside node's current size. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Returns the lines of text as displayed by this node, wrapped to fit the content of its Text property inside node's current size. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Gets or sets the thickness of padding space between the item boundaries and its text. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets the text rotation angle of this node. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Gets or sets the text trimming to employ when text overflows the item area. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets a value that indicates the vertical alignment of text content. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets how this DiagramItem should wrap text. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
DiagramItem.TopLevel override. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Gets or sets a transform that will be applied to the item's presenter. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this shape node is transparent. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Gets the UIElement associated with this DiagramItem. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this item is visible. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets a weight value used in layout and path-finding algorithms. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets or sets the z-order position of this item. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Name | Description | |
FrameworkElement.LogicalChildren override. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Returns the diagram measure unit. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets the size of this item. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
FrameworkElement.VisualChildrenCount override. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Name | Description | |
Determines whether the node can be connected with links of the specified type. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Overloaded. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Overloaded. Attaches this node to another diagram item. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Clears the local values of all styleable appearance properties. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Creates a copy of this item. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Hides all nodes and links in the subtree starting from this node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Overloaded. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Detaches this node from its master item. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Draws the node using the specified DrawingContext object. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Draws the anchor points of this node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
DiagramNode.DrawHandles override. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Draws the node using the specified DrawingContext object. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Shows all nodes and links in the subtree starting from this node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Overloaded. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Gets all links connected to this node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Overloaded. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Gets the bounding rectangle of this item. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Gets the center of this node's bounding rectangle. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Finds the intersection of the node contour with the line segment defined by the specified points. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Returns a point that lies on the outline of this node, at the shortest distance from the specified point. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
DiagramItem.GetRegion override. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
DiagramNode.GetRepaintRect override. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Overloaded. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Gets the rotation angle of this node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
DiagramItem.GetToolTip override. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Returns the diagram item that contains the specified point. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
DiagramNode.HitTestHandle override. Determines whether a selection handle of this item is located at the specified point. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
DiagramItem.HitTestManipulators override. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
DiagramItem.Intersects override. Checks whether the specified rectangle intersects with this node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Returns the label whose layout rectangle contains the specified point. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Moves the node to the specified location. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Gets whether the user is prevented from manipulating this item. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets a flag indicating whether this object is being currently modified interactively by the user. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Invoked when a diagram item is being dragged out of this node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Invoked when a diagram item is being dragged over this node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Invoked when a diagram item is dropped over this node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Returns the items that can be reached from this item by following the path specified in the given query expression. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Reassigns links to anchor points so that they are evenly disctributed. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Reassigns unanchored links (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Removes the specified label from this node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
DiagramItem.Repaint override. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Resizes the node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Makes the shape node as big as the image it displays. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Makes the shape node big enough to display its text without clipping. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Sets the location and size of this node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Sets the 'expanded' flag, repainting the node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
This method is used internally by the Ruler control to align nodes. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Transforms a point from document coordinates to item coordinates. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Transforms point from item-relative coordinates to document coordinates. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Invoked by running animations to update an item according to current animation progress. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Updates ShapeControlPoint objects associated with the node's Shape. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Moves the item to the bottom of the z-order. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Moves the item one level down in the z-order. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Moves the item one level up in the z-order. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Moves the item to the top of the z-order. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Name | Description | |
Adds this item to specified container element. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
DiagramItem.AllowCreate override. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
DiagramNode.AllowModify override. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
FrameworkElement.ArrangeOverride override. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
DiagramItem.CompleteCreate override. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
DiagramNode.CompleteModify override. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Check whether the KeepInsideParent constrained is being violated. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
DiagramNode.CreateConnectionPoint override. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
DiagramItem.CreateProperties override. |
DiagramItem.CreateRenderer override. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
DiagramNode.CreateState override. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Disposes any disposable resources managed by this shape. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Draws the associated manipulators in the specified context. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
DiagramNode.EnumStyleableProperties override. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Called when the item is completely disassociated from a Diagram, that is, when it is no longer referenced from an item collection or the undo/redo history. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Returns a DataTemplate that should be used to render the node if its own Template property is not set. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Gets the height of this item. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets this node's bounding rectangle in local coordinates. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Subtracts the TextPadding values from the specified rectangle. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
FrameworkElement.GetVisualChild override. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Gets the width of this item. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets the x-coordinate of the current position of this item. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Gets the y-coordinate of the current position of this item. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Determines whether this node is a predecessor of the specified node in the group hierarchy. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Loads the item content from a JsonObject. |
Loads the item content from an XML element. |
FrameworkElement.MeasureOverride override. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Called when the item is added to a Diagram, either by users, programmatically or performing undo / redo. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Invoked when any of the item's appearance properties changes. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Called when a child node has been modified. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Called when a child node is being modified. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Called after the item is deserialized. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Called when the Diagram's MeasureUnit changes. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
UIElement.OnMouseDown override. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
UIElement.OnMouseUp override. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Called when the item's position changes. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
UIElement.OnPreviewMouseWheel override. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
UIElement.OnPreviewMouseUp override. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
DiagramItem.OnRemove override. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
UIElement.OnRender override. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Invoked when a FrameworkElement property serializable by DiagramItem changes. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Called when the size of the node changes. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Invoked when any of the item's stroke attributes changes. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
DiagramItem.OnTextAttributeChanged override. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
DiagramNode.OnUpdateBounds override. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Called when the Diagram's ZoomFactor changes. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
DiagramNode.RestoreProperties override. |
DiagramNode.RestoreState override. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
DiagramNode.SaveProperties override. |
DiagramNode.SaveState override. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
Saves the item content into a JsonObject. |
Saves the item content into an XML element. |
Scales the node's elements by specified amount. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Marks the diagram as changed. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Internally sets the expandable state of this object to the specified value, adding or removing an Expander manipulator object if necessary. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
DiagramItem.SetExpanded override. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Sets the incoming links collection of this node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Sets the outgoing links collection of this node. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Invoked to let a node set the shape of a reflexive link connected to it. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Determines whether the item should be rendered in the current context. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Determines whether the node should render its anchor points. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
DiagramItem.StartCreate override. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
DiagramNode.StartModify override. Invoked when the user starts modifying this item interactively. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |
DiagramItem.UpdateCreate override. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Called to update the positions of subordinate nodes attached to this item when the attachment style is set to ControlledByMaster. (Inherited from DiagramItem.) |
Updates the intersection points of links, conntected to this node and its outline, usually in response to change in the node's shape. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
Updates the end points of the links, connected to this node, usually in response to change in the node's size or shape. (Inherited from DiagramNode.) |
DiagramNode.UpdateModify override. (Inherited from ShapeNode.) |