
Currently MindFusion.Scheduling for WPF supports exporting to the XLSX format.

Exporting to Open Office XML (XLSX) files

Add references to the MindFusion.Scheduling.WPF.Excel.dll and MindFusion.Excel.WPF.dll assemblies to your project. Create an ExcelExporter instance and call its Export method, passing a reference to the calendar to be exported and a string specifying the output file name.

The following example shows how to export a calendar to an XLSX file. The example assumes that xlsxPath is a variable containing the name of the file to export to and calendar is a variable identifying the Calendar to export.

C#  Copy Code

MindFusion.Scheduling.WPF.Export.ExcelExporter excelExporter =
    new MindFusion.Scheduling.WPF.Export.ExcelExporter();
excelExporter.Export(calendar, xlsxPath);

VB.NET  Copy Code

Dim excelExporter As New MindFusion.Scheduling.WPF.Export.ExcelExporter()
excelExporter.Export(calendar, xlsxPath)