Item.CopyOccurrence Method
See Also

Called by the recurrence whenever a new occurrence is being generated in order to populate the fields of the instance from the master item.

Namespace: MindFusion.Scheduling
Assembly: MindFusion.Scheduling.Wpf


C#  Copy Code

protected virtual void CopyOccurrence (
    Item master

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Protected Overridable Sub CopyOccurrence ( _
    master As Item _


A reference to the master to copy from.


This method is usually overridden in classes which derive from Item or Appointment in order to copy the custom fields from the master item to a particular occurrence. If the method is not overridden, the custom fields for all occurrences will have their default values and not the value of the master item.


The following example illustrates how to override CopyOccurrence in a class deriving from Appointment and how to copy the custom fields from the master item.

C#  Copy Code

class CustomAppointment : Appointment
    protected override void CopyOccurrence(Item master)
        _customField = (master as CustomAppointment)._customField;

    private int _customField;

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Class CustomAppointment
    Inherits Appointment

    Protected Overrides Sub CopyOccurrence(ByVal master As Item)

        _customField = CType(master, CustomAppointment)._customField

    End Sub

    Private _customField As Integer

End Class

 See Also