Calendar.CellPresenterCreating Event
See Also

Raised when the CellPresenter control that will visualize specific view cell is being instantiated.

Namespace: MindFusion.Scheduling.Wpf
Assembly: MindFusion.Scheduling.Wpf


C#  Copy Code

public event EventHandler<CellPresenterCreatingEventArgs> CellPresenterCreating

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Event CellPresenterCreating As EventHandler(Of CellPresenterCreatingEventArgs)

 Event Data

CellPresenterCreating event handlers receive an argument of type CellPresenterCreatingEventArgs.


The event is raised just before the presenter of a cell is created to allow the client to instantiate a presenter of a custom type. If the event is not handled or the client does not assign an object to the CellPresenter property, the control creates a presenter of type CellPresenter.

A common scenario involves the use of the StartTime, EndTime and Resource properties in order to assign custom presenters only to cells matching specific criteria. For example, the client might associate a cell presenter only with holidays or weekend days.

 See Also