TimelineSettings.Format Property
See Also

Gets or sets the format of the displayed dates in the timeline.

Namespace: MindFusion.Scheduling.Wpf
Assembly: MindFusion.Scheduling.Wpf


C#  Copy Code

public string Format { get; set; }

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Property Format As String

 Property Value

A string specifying the display format.

Unsetting the Property Value

Unset the local value of this property to use the corresponding value from the current theme. To unset the property value, call ClearValue on the settings containing the property and pass a reference to the DependencyProperty representing the property.


The format specifiers that can be used in the format string are listed in the MSDN's DateTimeFormatInfo class topic.


The following example sets the resolution of the bottom timeline to one hour and the display format to "HH:mm". The example assumes that calendar is a valid reference to a Calendar instance.

C#  Copy Code
calendar.ResourceViewSettings.BottomTimelineSettings.Unit = TimeUnit.Hour;
calendar.ResourceViewSettings.BottomTimelineSettings.UnitCount = 1;
calendar.ResourceViewSettings.BottomTimelineSettings.Format = "HH:mm";
Visual Basic  Copy Code
calendar.ResourceViewSettings.BottomTimelineSettings.Unit = TimeUnit.Hour
calendar.ResourceViewSettings.BottomTimelineSettings.UnitCount = 1
calendar.ResourceViewSettings.BottomTimelineSettings.Format = "HH:mm"

 See Also