Features of MindFusion.Diagramming for Java
A comprehensive list with the most important features of the control divided into sections. You can find further details about the component's features at the "API Overview" section in the online help. If you need a feature that is currently not supported, you can request it here.
The JDiagram Library
- Redistribution is royalty free
- Can be purchased with source code
- Is written in Java
- Implements the Document/View architecture
- Includes applet class for use in Web pages
User Interaction
- Several user interaction modes
- Scrolling and zooming
- Copy and paste to/from the system clipboard
- Panning
- Automatic scrolling while dragging items with the mouse
- Alignment to grid
- Node alignment guides
- Multiple selection
- Tool-tips
- Docking points can be defined for nodes
- Undo / redo support
Store and Retrieve Diagrams into/from
- Files on disk
- Java streams
- ASCII strings
- XML documents
- To display through Java Swing
- Printing and print preview
- To a browser using HTML image maps
- To a browser as Java applet
Import and Export
- Import of Visio 2013 (VSDX) files
- Import of OpenOffice Draw (ODG) files
- Export Portable Document Format (PDF) files
- Export Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files
- Export images in JPEG, GIF, TIFF, and PNG formats
Diagram Elements
- More than 100 predefined node shapes
- Ability to define custom shapes and shape libraries
- Rotation of shapes at arbitrary angles
- Use any Java Swing component as a diagram node
- Container nodes
- Tables with unlimited number of rows and columns
- Table cells can span several columns and rows
- Display hierarchical data in TreeView nodes
- Sections of table rows can be expanded or collapsed
- Display multiple labels on links
- Links can comprise multiple segments
- Link segments can be straight lines or curves
- Support for custom node and link types
- Lock diagram elements
- Read-only mode supported
- Tables can be scrolled
- Collapse and expand hierarchy branches
- In-place text editing
- Dynamic positioning of links relative to connected nodes
Automatic Graph Layout Algorithms
- Spring-Embedder graph layout
- Directional tree layout
- Radial tree layout
- Fractal tree layout
- Layered graph layout
- Grid layout
- Simulated Annealing graph layout
- Orthogonal graph layout
- Circular graph layout
- Orthogonal link router
- Flowchart layout
- Topological graph layout
- Automatic link routing
- Triangular graph layout
- Hierarchical graph layout
- Cascading graph layout
- Process diagrams layout
- Tree map layout
- Decision flowchart layout
- Nodes can display images and text
- Various text alignment styles
- Text can be laid out in polygonal areas
- Styled HTML-like text formatting
- Customizable fonts and colors
- Custom painting of nodes
- Shadows
- User-assigned mouse cursors
- Z-order
- Rich choice of pen and brush styles
- Transparent nodes
- Invisible nodes
- A background swimlane grid
Link Diagram Items
- Nodes to nodes
- Table rows to table rows
- Nodes to table rows
- Unconnected links
Hierarchical Grouping
- Attaching nodes to other nodes
- Attaching nodes to link control points
- Attaching nodes to link segments
- Programmatic access to the diagram elements
- Numerous properties for customizing appearance and behavior
- Numerous utility methods
- Path finding and cycle detection
- Rich event set
- The applet fires events that can be handled using JavaScript
Auxiliary Controls
- Overview control
- Ruler control
- ShapeListBox
- NodeListView control
- Zoom control