I am currently using flowchart I want to know if thereis a way to add the existing Editors for the proprtygrid BrushEditor PenEditor etc. They are not public (actually private) so the following lines are not successfull <Browsable(True), _ Category("Graphical Properties"), _ DisplayName("Brush"), _ DefaultValue(GetType(Brush), "None"), _ Description("This nodes brush") , _ Editor(GetType(MindFusion.Drawing.Design.BrushEditor), GetType(Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor))> _ Public Property Brush() As MindFusion.Drawing.LinearGradientBrush Get Return mBrush End Get Set(ByVal Value As MindFusion.Drawing.LinearGradientBrush) mBrush = Value End Set End Property
also this does not work
<Browsable(True), _ Category("Graphical Properties"), _ DisplayName("Brush"), _ DefaultValue(GetType(Brush), "None"), _ Description("This nodes brush") , _ Editor("MindFusion.Drawing.Design.BrushEditor, MindFusion.Diagramming.WinForms.FlowChart, FlowChart.NET, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"> _ Public Property Brush() As MindFusion.Drawing.LinearGradientBrush Get Return mBrush End Get Set(ByVal Value As MindFusion.Drawing.LinearGradientBrush) mBrush = Value End Set End Property
will these be re declared soon "Public" not private? is there any other way to override this problem without creating a new brush edotor?