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Normal Topic A question about the future of FlowChart.NET (Read 1338 times)
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A question about the future of FlowChart.NET
Jan 3rd, 2008 at 4:09am
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I am wondering how the FlowChart.NET control will adapt to the forthcoming Windows Presentation Foundation paradigm?

I personally am strongly put off by Microsoft's desire to foist yet another UI framework on us. I believe Windows Forms has finally reached a stability and maturity point that begs it to stick around for another decade.

While I appreciate the desire to have a designer friendly and media rich design and development story, I would prefer Microsoft make a stronger commitment to WinForms then it seems to be making in its various public discourses.

My question is what happens to FlowChart.NET if Microsoft at some point decides to depricate it and Win32, and therefore deal it a huge performance penalty of some sort, whether with the intention to kill it or not?

Does MindFusion have plans to implement FlowChart.NET strictly in WPF? I personally can see now true benefit, maybe there would be some fringe feature enhancements as it relates to animation and coloring, and yes the hardware acceleration would probably benefit a large canvas with thousands of nodes, being driven underneath of WPF with DirectX.

But I would imagine it would be a rediculous task to re-factor this library into WPF and that MindFusion would probably not be too quick to jump on this wagon. But maybe I am wrong.

I am curious to hear about this because I am pretty concerned about the lifetime of the app I'm working on and there are days when frankly I think of scrapping everything I have so far and starting over in OpenGL, with my own GUI toolkit, knowing that it will have probably triple the shelf life of any single Microsoft API.

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Re: A question about the future of FlowChart.NET
Reply #1 - Jan 3rd, 2008 at 6:14am
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We have already ported the core component to WPF and are just releasing it (as a separate product). The first version comes without any of the extra components, such as Overview, Ruler, PdfExporter, etc. We are going to port them later this year. At this time a large canvas with a thousands of nodes works much slower in the WPF version than in the WinForms one, but maybe we will be able to optimize it in future releases 8)

Otherwise we like the WPF API model a lot; leaving the eye-candy aside, the dependency property system, styles and control templates are great features. Although Microsoft could perhaps implement them in Windows Forms too ...

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