Stoyo wrote on Mar 18
th, 2008 at 3:57pm:
There is the DiagramView.AllowInplaceEdit property - enable it and you should be able to edit the cell text by double-clicking the cell.
OK I didn't know about this feature. I think this could be really useful but its missing a few things that I cannot for the life of me find anywhere.
Here would be my wish list for improving the editability of table cells.
1) Allow dropdowns as well. Doesn't have to be fancy, just an array of strings, or whatever.
2) The ability to style the input controls. Right now the controls use the standard Win32 appearance, which is beveled. It would be preferable to be able to use a flat style, in keeping with the appearance of many nodes. It would furthermore be useful to be able to color the border, the background, and very importantly the *highlight* color when text is highlighted. Lastly, the ability to have rounded corners on the input controls (text and dropdown) would be an invaluable step in providing us the ability to make a UI that is consistent. Most nodes are rounded, most controls are not.
I have tried incorporating 3rd party controls that are rounded and offer these styling properties. The problem is I have yet to find both a combo box and a text box from the same vendor with the same set of properties. I got close, but no drop downs have rounded corners that I have been able to find, and neither allow you to change the text highlight color, which will often clash with the color scheme of the UI I am implementing.
I guess a lot of this is pipe dreams, but I offer them up for your consideration nonetheless.
Many thanks!