Hello together,
At first I save the TableNodes from the diagram in XML.
I save the position x,y and the child node.
Now my problem is to rebuild the diagram, because one of my Nodetype use AnchorPoints.
In usual case one DigramLink has an AnchorPoint as Origin an a child node as Destination.
When I want to rebuild this Diagram I attempt rebuild the RowCollection of the node with the AnchorPoints.
Here is some Code:
// if all all Nodes from xml parsed, iterate about hits collection an add ellements to Diagram.Items
DiagramItemsCollection items
foreach (FollowElement fsuccessor in FollowElementList) {
row = new Row(thisNode);
if (successor is $RIGHT$) {
$RIGHT$ r = ($RIGHT$) successor;
$draw following Node$
DiagramLink l = new DiagramLink(MFDiagram, thisNode, follower);
It exist one AnchorPoint per row.
After rebuilt all DiagramLink have the first AnchorPoint in first row as Origin.
Actually the DiagramLinks must have differnt AnchorPoints. They also begin in differnt row of the TableNode.