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Normal Topic WpfDiagram 2.0 has been released! (Read 1545 times)
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WpfDiagram 2.0 has been released!
Sep 15th, 2008 at 1:21pm
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We have released version 2.0 of WpfDiagram. It provides the following new features:   
* Containers *
The ContainerNode class implements diagram nodes that can function as containers for other nodes. Containers can be folded to hide their content, and unfolded to show it again. Containers can be nested one within another, without limitation on the depth of nesting.

* Ruler control *
The Ruler control provides horizontal and vertical scales that helps users measure and align diagram items. In order to use the Ruler, it must be set as a parent of the Diagram object, i.e. the <Ruler> XAML element should contain the <Diagram> element. The control also implements a scrollable area and can be used instead of ScrollViewer.

* NodeListView control *
NodeListView is a toolbox alike control. It displays a list of node templates, and lets user create new nodes based on these templates via drag-and-drop. NodeListView can contain instances of any DiagramNode or UIElement derived classes.

* Export to PDF *
The PdfExporter class lets you exports diagrams to Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files. In order to do that, create a PdfExporter instance and call its Export method. If you need to set the page size and orientation, use the PageSize, and PageOrientation properties.

* Miscellaneous *
~ The text of links can be edited in-place.
~ The size of a DiagramNodeAdapter can be bound to the DesiredSize of the hosted UIElement by enabling the AutoUpdateSize property.
~ The ZoomToFit method zooms the view to fit the document contents in the Diagram client area.
~ To display a custom mouse cursor that does not depend on the current context, set the OverrideCursor property.
~ The MergeUndoRecords lets you merge multiple undo records into one.
~ The BringIntoView method scrolls the diagram area to make the specified item visible.
~ Keyboard navigation through the diagram implemented by the NavigateLeft, NavigateRight, NavigateUp and NavigateDown commands.

* API changes *
~ Now the default value of MeasureUnit is WpfPoint.
~ The DiagramItemState and DiagramItemProperties -derived classes corresponding to the built-in diagram item types have been made public. This should make it easier to implement undo for properties added to custom item types derived from the built-in ones.
~ The ItemWidth, ItemHeight, ItemLeft and ItemTop attached properties have been replaced by the DiagramNode.Bounds attached property.
Registered customers with an active upgrade subscription will receive their upgrades shortly.    
A trial version is available for download here:
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