Hi Stoyo,
i know that i could filter the rcorded commands with this event. The Problem is, that i create and add nodes depending on some diagramevents. For example:
1. mouseclick
create OriginNode, create DestinationNode and create DiagramLink
2. mouseclick
old DestinationNode = new OriginNode, create new DestinationNode, create new DiagramLink
and so on..., until i cancel the chaincreation of the notes by rightclick.
The rightclick deletes the new DestinationNode and the DiagramLink.
i have tried to create a composite command with the delet command of the DetinationNode and DiagramLink and create a composite command of this two delete commands. After this i tried to filter the created composite command and cancel the recording.
This works fine, but now i have some problems if i try to undo the previously action.
... sorry for my realy poor english
greeze Marco