We are starting beta tests of Flowchart.NET 5.4. The new features are:
Swimlane layoutSwimlaneLayout can be used to arrange process diagrams in which nodes representing activities are placed in swimlanes representing resources. The index of the resource allocated to an activity should be assigned to the corresponding node's LayoutTraits[SwimlaneLayoutTraits.Lane].
By default, the algorithm works with the diagram's LaneGrid, but its SwimlaneGrid property can be set to any class that implements ISwimlaneGrid. This allows applying the layout to a custom-drawn grid rendered through the DrawBackground event, or one composed of locked background nodes.
Export diagrams to WMF formatWmfExporter creates WMF (Windows MetaFile) images from the content of Diagram objects. In order to use this component, add a reference to the MindFusion.Diagramming.Export.Wmf.dll assembly to your project. To create a WMF file from a diagram, create a WmfExporter instance and call its Export method, passing a Diagram object as parameter.
Other export improvements ~ SvgExporter supports dashed pens.
~ Support for shapes with alternating fill style added to PDF and SVG exporters.
~ Improved quality of curved shapes in SVG.
~ PdfExporter supports bitmaps with Format32bppPArgb pixel format.
Text formatting improvements ~ TextPadding specifies the size of the padding area between the text of nodes and their borders.
~ Speed of the styled text formatting algorithm has been improved.
Miscellaneous ~ Items can be drawn with the right mouse button when RightButtonActions is set to Draw.
~ ControlNodes now check the SelectionOnTop property before bringing hosted controls to front.
~ Fixed a ShowArrowHeads bug in DiagramView3D.
~ The order of child nodes in TreeLayout can be reversed by setting Balance to Reversed.
~ LinkType adds supports for Bezier links to SpringLayout.
If anyone is interested in trying the beta, please download this archive, which includes updated assemblies and help file: