Stoyo wrote on Oct 11
th, 2010 at 2:45pm:
With TreeLayout you can do that only for the root node, by setting KeepRootPosition. If you need a fixed position for an internal tree node, you could run TreeLayout for a second time, specifying that node as TreeLayout.Root with KeepRootPosition enabled. If you need some node that's not part of the tree to stay in place, try setting its IgnoreLayout property.
I hope that helps,
I've already tried that. But this is not exactly what I need. I'll try to explain. Please look at the picture:'s what I need:
Pic 1) It's a default treelayout result
Pic 2) Positions of the nodes after user interaction
Pic 3) After selecting node #2 and pressing some button, node #2 layed out as if all nodes where counted by algorithm but position of other nodes didn't changed.
Here is what I get ( see pic 4).
If I set IgnoreLayout=true for all nodes excepts nodes I need to layout then nodes stayed in their places, but in some cases they can overlap with each other which is not acceptable.