Our application uses the diagram control within a docking control from Actipro. When "docking out" the diagram window, we are faced with the problem that everything needs to be layouted/rendered again because the following happens:
- The diagram docking window is removed from the MainWindow's VisualTree.
- A real window is created.
- The previous content of the diagram docking window is assigned to that new window, therefore inserted into a new Visual Tree
Due to this operation, the Mindfusion diagram needs to be layouted and rendered again
While this is a technical issue of WPF, I think this is a pretty common scenario (Diagram + Docking) and I want to know if anybody has an idea how to deal with this?
To sum this up, I want to preserve the rendering that has already be done when the diagram control is removed/inserted into a visual tree.
P.S.: Our diagram is interactive and needs input, so caching a bitmap or any similar "static" solution wouldn't be a solution for us.