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Normal Topic Links not displayed properly after an autolayout (Read 1443 times)
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Links not displayed properly after an autolayout
Feb 9th, 2011 at 9:27pm
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We are using the FlowchartLayout for our diagram. In some cases, after arranging the diagram, some of the diagramlinks are not visually connecting the nodes. The link typically end above or below the node and it looks as if it is missing a segment and a 90 degree bend towards the node.

The nodes are connected in the model and by slightly moving either of the connected nodes the link is drawn as a straight line between the nodes.

This does not happen to all cases and never to all links within a case, but it is reproducable in the cases where it happen.

Do you have any idea why this happens and any suggestions on how to avoid this behaviour?
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Re: Links not displayed properly after an autolayo
Reply #1 - Feb 10th, 2011 at 7:56am
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FlowchartLayout expect the diagram to consist of three kinds of constructs embedded recursively within each other - loops, branches and sequences. Loops and branches should contain matching start and end nodes, not shared with other loops or branches.

If your diagrams do not conform to that structure, the layout method won't process some nodes and links, leaving them at their initial positions. In such case better use LayeredLayout with StraigtenLongLinks and EnforceLinkFlow properties enabled.

If you still prefer to use FlowchartLayout, you will have to implement some additional processing. E.g. if you do not have distinct end nodes for loops or branches, you could add temporary ones only to help the layout method decompose the graph into those basic constructs, and remove them afterwards. Another possibility is to detect the unprocessed links and set their ControlPoints or call their Route method to fix them.

I hope that helps,
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YaBB Newbies

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Re: Links not displayed properly after an autolayo
Reply #2 - Feb 10th, 2011 at 12:35pm
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Thanks Stoyo,

you were right and I now actually managed to reproduce the situation in your Flowchart-layout demo. I switched to the LayeredLayout in our program and it solves the problem (and so far I haven't found any other case it does not handle ok)

I have another issue as well but will start a new thread as it isn't directly related.
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