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Normal Topic How sort rows in a TableNode ? (Read 1107 times)
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How sort rows in a TableNode ?
Jul 15th, 2011 at 4:16am
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some of rows can expand and collapse. Is it possible only sort these rows can be expanded and collapsed or only sort these rows under a same head row (Header property is true) ?
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Re: How sort rows in a TableNode ?
Reply #1 - Jul 15th, 2011 at 6:06am
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It doesn't seem possible to directly sort the rows at this time. You could copy the cells data, sort it, and assign it back to the rows instead. For example, this sorts the cells under a single header:

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private void diagram_CellClicked(object sender, CellEventArgs e)
	TableNode table = e.Table;
	TableNode.Row row = table.Rows[e.Row];
	if (row.Header && e.Column == 1)
		List<string> sectionData = GetSectionData(table, e.Row);
		SetSectionData(table, e.Row, sectionData);

List<string> GetSectionData(TableNode table, int headerRow)
	List<string> data = new List<string>();
	for (int i = headerRow + 1; i < table.RowCount; ++i)
		if (table.Rows[i].Header)
		data.Add(table[0, i].Text);
	return data;

TableNode TestSortTable()
	TableNode table = diagram.Factory.CreateTableNode(
		0, 0, 40, 150,// bounds
		2, 8);// columns x rows
	table[0, 0].Text = "header 1";
	table[0, 1].Text = "z";
	table[0, 2].Text = "y";
	table[0, 3].Text = "x";
	table[0, 4].Text = "header 2";
	table[0, 5].Text = "b";
	table[0, 6].Text = "c";
	table[0, 7].Text = "a";

	table.Rows[0].Header = true;
	table[1, 0].Image = sortIcon;
	table.Rows[4].Header = true;
	table[1, 4].Image = sortIcon;
	table.OffsetHeaderRows = true;
	return table;

I hope that helps,
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