We have released version 4.7 of FlowChartX. It adds the following new features:
Glass and Aero effectsThe control can apply Glass and Aero visual effects to nodes, via the AddGlassEffect and AddAeroEffect methods provided by Box, Table and Flowchart classes. Effects are available only in GDI+ mode.
AddGlassEffect can apply one of four glass reflection -like effects:
HRESULT AddGlassEffect(
[in] enum GlassEffectType effectType,
[in] OLE_COLOR glowColor,
[in] OLE_COLOR reflectionColor,
[in] VARIANT_BOOL usePenAsGlow);
GlassAddAeroEffect applies semi-transparency to nodes and emphasizes their outline by adding a shade and an inner stroke:
HRESULT AddAeroEffect(
[in] float opacity,
[in] OLE_COLOR shadeColor,
[in] OLE_COLOR innerOutlineColor);
AeroIf the methods are called on a Flowchart instance, they affect all nodes in that flowchart.
Miscellaneous~ Specify padding distance between selected items and the selection frame via SelectionOptions.FramePadding;
~ SelectionOptions.ShowItemHandles specifies whether to show handles of individual items in multiple selection;
~ The Arrow.Segments property can now be set regardless of whether auto-routing is enabled or the arrow is a self-loop;
~ When an arrow becomes a self-loop with a Table as target node, its end stay connected to the table's rows and the arrow shape is set to an orthogonal sequence of segments connecting the rows;
~ SetSelfLoopShape event is now raised to let you set custom shape for self-loop arrows;
Registered customers with an active upgrade subscription can download the licensed version from the
clients area on our site.
A trial version is available for download here:
https://www.mindfusion.eu/FCXdemoPro.zip Enjoy!