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Normal Topic MindFusion Java Pack 2022.R1 (Read 3942 times)
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MindFusion Java Pack 2022.R1
Mar 30th, 2022 at 7:48am
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We have released MindFusion Java Pack 2022.R1. It contains the following new features and improvements:


TableNode improvements
  • The CaptionBackBrush property lets you customize the fill of table's caption bar.
  • Tables can be custom-drawn by setting their CustomDraw property and handling the drawNode event.
  • Table cells can be custom-drawn by setting the CellCustomDraw property and handling the drawCell event.
  • Fixed thick appearance of caption divider line when using CellFrameStyle.Simple.

TreeViewNode improvements
  • The Brush property of TreeViewItem allows assigning different backgrounds to individual items.
  • The ShowLines property lets you toggle visibility of items' connecting lines.

Fixed exception when serializing LinkLabel in JSON format.


DateTime changes
  • The DateTime class now uses java.time.LocalDateTime for storage and calculations. New constructor and toJavaDateTime method provide access to the stored LocalDateTime for easier interoperability with Java APIs and components.
  • LocalDateTime storage allows for much large date range (from -999999999-01-01 to +999999999-12-31).
  • Fixed toString results for years older than 1593.
  • The Duration class now uses a java.time.Duration for storage and calculations. New constructor and toJavaDuration method provide access to the stored java.time.Duration for easier interoperability with Java APIs and components.

  • The DateComboBox control allows entering and selecting dates using combo box / drop down interface.
  • saveToString and loadFromString methods now support ContentType.Json.
  • Fixed IllegalAccessError exception when showing standard forms in recent versions of the JDK. Date combo boxes in standard forms no longer use platform-specific ComboBoxUI implementations that cause the exception, but only BasicComboBoxUI.


Tower charts
The TowerChart control and TowerRenderer component draw tower charts, rendering series side by side to allow comparing data sequence and sizes. Assign the series to compare to LeftSeries and RightSeries properties of the chart. The chart segments are arranged according to the value of TowerLayout property, and their shape is drawn as specified by SegmentShape.

Tower charts require three-dimensional series. The first dimension specifies event order or timing and is used to sort or position segments. Second dimension specifies duration and is rendered as segment length along the main axis. Third dimension specifies a value rendered as segment width along the cross axis. You could use the stock EventSeries class as data container, or implement the Series interface to provide data from your own data structures.

ShowHighlight and ShowToolTips properties let you disable highlights and tooltips

  • Fixed missing parentheses when ExcelImporter imports shared formulas.
  • The AutoFillSkipMerged property controls whether data generated by auto-fill is assigned only to a merged cell in target range or also to the cells spanned by it.
  • Fix for charts displaying zero coordinates along the axes.
  • Custom format strings can now contain color names in square brackets, compatible with Excel color specifiers.
  • Fix for horizontal barcharts showing overlapped labels.
  • Frozen rows and columns properties moved from Worksheet to view classes, and now allow freezing from a non-zero scroll position. The freezePanes method freezes columns to the left of and rows above the active cell.
  • Fix for displaying (handled) exceptions in console when blank cell contains annotation.
  • Fixed null-reference exceptions in CalcImporter.
  • Extends the set of expression types in which blank cells are promoted to zeros or empty strings when referenced from formulas.
  • Fixed ROUND and DB functions when rounding off after the decimal point.

Distribution for the latest version can be downloaded here, or from the clients area on our site:

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