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Normal Topic MindFusion.JavaScript Pack, 2023.R1 (Read 1619 times)
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MindFusion.JavaScript Pack, 2023.R1
May 15th, 2023 at 12:52pm
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We have released MindFusion JavaScript Pack 2023.R1. It adds following new features and improvements:


Radial tree layout
The RadialTreeLayout class arranges tree levels in concentric circles around the root. The levelDistance property specifies the distance between adjacent circles. The direction property specifies placement of first child node. Set stretchFactor to a value larger than 1 in order to stretch level circles into ellipses, providing more space for the layout when using wider nodes.

Lasso zoom tool
The control now supports several ways to zoom using lasso tool:
  • Set the behavior property to Zoom to always draw zoom lasso.
  • Set the Zoom flag for one of the keys in modifierKeyActions to let users draw zoom-lasso with respective modifier key pressed and the left mouse button.
  • Assign Zoom value to rightButtonActions or middleButtonActions property to zoom using respective mouse button.

Blazor bindings
MindFusion.Diagramming for Blazor allows integrating the JavaScript diagramming API into Blazor applications. It contains a set of .NET wrapper classes, that use Blazor's JSInterop API to create and manipulate the client-side objects. The package provides easy access from C# code to the most of the MindFusion.Diagramming functionality, including different node types, layouts and styling. Additional UI components such as Overview, NodeListView, ZoomControl and Ruler are included too.

  • The opacity property lets you create translucent DiagramItem by applying it to the alpha channel of all colors in the item.
  • Diagram's background image now scales along with zoomFactor.
  • The validateAnchorPoint event validates connecting diagram links to specific anchor points.
  • The validateLinkCrossing event validates visibility of individual link crossing point decorations.
  • The PanAndModify behavior lets you select and modify when the mouse pointer is over an item, or pan the view otherwise.
  • removeNode method added to NodeListView.
  • strokeDashArray and strokeDashOffset properties let you set custom dash patterns when strokeDashStyle is set to Custom.
  • strokeThickness now affects dash distances.
  • enableStyledText property added to ItemLabel lets you format labels using HTML-like format flags.
  • enableWrap and maxWidth properties of ItemLabel let you wrap label's text.
  • The ArrowHeads class exposes arrowhead shapes as static methods returning respective predefined shape.

Fixed bugs
  • Fix for mouse wheel not scrolling when virtualScroll is disabled.
  • Touch input fixes.
  • Fix for not raising nodePointed and linkPointed events.
  • Fixed strokeDashStyle XML serialization.
  • Fixed clearAll method of NodeListView keeping visual elements from old nodes.
  • Fixed linkTextStyle exception.
  • Fixed styled text rendering in rotated NodeLabel, TableNode and ContainerNode objects.
  • strokeThickness no longer affects text rendering.


New localization files added to distribution:
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Italian
  • Korean
  • Dutch
  • Portuguese
  • Chinese

Distribution for the latest version can be downloaded here, or from the clients area on our site:

Updated scripts are also available as @mindfusion/pack NPM package.

« Last Edit: May 18th, 2023 at 8:04am by Forum Admin »  
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