thank you for your reply.
I am setting my diagram with these properties:
With diagram
.Theme = theme
.LinkCrossings = LinkCrossings.Arcs
.LinkShape = LinkShape.Cascading
.LinkSegments = 3
.LinkEndsMovable = True
.DynamicLinks = False
.LinkHeadShape = Nothing
.AllowSplitLinks = True
.AutoSnapLinks = True
.AllowUnanchoredLinks = False
.LinkCascadeOrientation = Orientation.Auto
.SnapToAnchor = SnapToAnchor.OnCreateOrModify
.AllowSelfLoops = False
.AllowLinksRepeat = False
.RouteLinks = False
.ShapeHandlesStyle = HandlesStyle.HatchFrame
.ShadowsStyle = ShadowsStyle.None
.RestrictItemsToBounds = RestrictToBounds.InsideOnly
.Selection.AllowMultipleSelection = True
.ActiveItemHandlesStyle.HandlePen = New MindFusion.Drawing.Pen(color.Red)
.ShapeHandlesStyle = HandlesStyle.HatchFrame
.Selection.Style = SelectionStyle.SelectionHandles
.GridSizeX = 1
.GridSizeY = 1
End With
The attached image shows two shapes linked together, with their anchor points at the bottom center. The link line is currently being drawn along the shape's border, whereas I would like the start and to be vertical in this situation.
I am aware that I can set the link start and end orientation in diagram properties to vertical, but there are other cases where I need it to be horizontal. Additionally, I understand that setting RouteLinks to True can help with this issue, but it still doesn't work perfectly when the two shapes are close to each other.
Could you provide any advice on how to better handle this?
Or maybe I'm setting something that should be automated?
Thank you