Plot.domainDimension Method
See Also

Implements the SeriesContainer interface. Gets the index of the dimension whose set of values should be treated as domain of the plotted function.

Namespace: com.mindfusion.charting
File: com.mindfusion.charting


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public int domainDimension (
    Series series



A Series instance.

 Return Value

The zero-based index of the dimension.


This method is used to specify which dimension of the data (x, Y, Z) is used by the chart as a major data source. For vertical charts this is which dimension is used to calculate the Y-coordinates of points. In horizontal Series this is the dimension of the data that is used to calculate the X-coordinayes of the points.

For horizontal plots the domain of the function is f(x) = y and for vertical plots the domain is f(y) = x.

 See Also