Name | Description | |
Adds the specified DataChangedListener. |
Gets a custom format string for DateTime labels. |
Gets a list of DateTime values used as X-coordinates of this DataBoundSeries. |
Gets a value indicating how to format DateTime values as labels. |
Implements Series.getDimensions. Returns 2. |
Implements Series.getLabel. Returns the DateTime value at the specified index as a label for the X-Axis. |
Gets a prefix added in front of formatted DateTime labels. |
Gets a suffix appended to formatted DateTime labels. |
Gets the end of the time range. |
Gets the coordinate corresponding to MaxDate. |
Gets the start of the time range. |
Gets the coordinate corresponding to MinDate. |
Implements Series.getSize. Returns the number of elements in this DateTime list. |
Implements Series.getSupportedLabels. DateTimeSeries returns LabelKinds.XAxisLabel. |
Implements Series.getTitle. Gets the title of this DateTimeSeries. |
Implements Series.getValue. Returns the value for the specified data item in this DateTimeSeries. |
Implements Series.isEmphasized. DateTimeSeries always returns false. |
Implements Series.isSorted. DateTimeSeries always returns false. |
Removes the specified DataChangedListener. |
Sets a custom format string for DateTime labels. |
Sets a list of DateTime values used as X-coordinates of this DateTimeSeries. |
Sets a value indicating how to format DateTime values as labels. |
Sets a prefix added in front of formatted DateTime labels. |
Sets a suffix appended to formatted DateTime labels. |
Sets the end of the time range. |
Sets the coordinate corresponding to MaxDate. |
Sets the start of the time range. |
Sets the coordinate corresponding to MinDate. |
Sets the title of this DateTimeSeries. |
Name | Description | |
Raises an event that signalizes that the data has changed. |