Name | Description | |
Sets the location and size of this component relative to its parent. (Inherited from Component.) |
(Inherited from Component.) |
Component.createController override. Returns a ComponentController that is used to interact with this component. |
(Inherited from Component.) |
Component.draw override. Draws legend elements in the specified RenderContext. |
Gets the Pen that is used to draw the legend borders. |
Gets the Brush that is used to stroke the legend borders when the user hovers over the legend. |
Gets the Brush that is used to fill the legend background when the user hovers the legend. |
Gets a double value specifying the component's assigned height. Valid only after calling {#link arrange}. (Inherited from Component.) |
Gets a double value specifying the component's assigned width. Valid only after calling arrange. (Inherited from Component.) |
Gets a value indicating whether users are allowed to move this legend. |
Gets the Brush that is used to fill the background of this legend. |
Gets the Brush that is used to stroke the borders of this legend. |
Gets the stroke dash style of legend borders. |
Gets the thickness of the stroke used for drawing the legend borders. |
Gets a list of SeriesRenderer objects whose Series should be displayed in this legend. |
Gets a nullable double value specifying the component's desired height. Valid only after calling measure. (Inherited from Component.) |
Gets a nullable double value specifying the component's desired width. Valid only after calling measure. (Inherited from Component.) |
Gets the kind of labels supported by this chart element. |
Gets the column index of this component when placed inside a GridPanel. (Inherited from Component.) |
Gets the row index of this component when placed inside a GridPanel. (Inherited from Component.) |
Gets a fixed height for this component. (Inherited from Component.) |
Gets the hit-test visibility of this component. (Inherited from Component.) |
Gets the horizontal alignment of this component inside the layout rectangle allocated by its parent panel. (Inherited from Component.) |
Gets the margin space around this component relative to the layout rectangle allocated by its parent panel. (Inherited from Component.) |
Gets the maximum number of items that can be rendered in one legend column. |
Gets the padding space between content and borders of this legend. |
(Inherited from Component.) |
Gets the boundaries of this component relative to its parent. (Inherited from Component.) |
Indicates whether the series elements must be drawn. |
Gets a value indicating whether to display the legend title. |
Gets the legend's title. |
Gets the Brush used to render the legend's Title. |
Gets the name of font that is used to draw the legend's Title. |
Gets the size of font that is used to draw the legend's Title. |
Gets the style of the font that is used to draw the legend's Title. |
Gets the component's tooltip text. (Inherited from Component.) |
Gets the vertical alignment of this component inside the layout rectangle allocated by its parent panel. (Inherited from Component.) |
Gets the visibility of this component. (Inherited from Component.) |
Gets a fixed width for this component. (Inherited from Component.) |
Gets a double value specifying the component's horizontal position relative to its parent. (Inherited from Component.) |
Gets a double value specifying the component's vertical position relative to its parent. (Inherited from Component.) |
Returns the component containing specified point. (Inherited from Component.) |
Overloaded. (Inherited from Component.) |
Overloaded. (Inherited from Component.) |
Transforms the specified point to the coordinate system of the root panel. (Inherited from Component.) |
Component.measure override. Measures the desired size of this component. |
Transforms the specified point to the coordinate system of this component. (Inherited from Component.) |
Sets a double value specifying the component's assigned height. (Inherited from Component.) |
Sets a double value specifying the component's assigned width. (Inherited from Component.) |
Sets a value indicating whether users are allowed to move this legend. |
Sets the Brush that is used to fill the background of this legend. |
Sets the Brush that is used to stroke the borders of this legend. |
Sets the dash style of the stroke for the legend borders. |
Sets the thickness of the legend borders stroke. |
Sets a list of SeriesRenderer objects whose Series should be displayed in this legend. |
Sets a nullable double value specifying the component's desired height. (Inherited from Component.) |
Sets a nullable double value specifying the component's desired width. (Inherited from Component.) |
Sets the kind of labels supported by this element. |
Sets the column index of this component when placed inside a GridPanel. (Inherited from Component.) |
Sets the row index of this component when placed inside a GridPanel. (Inherited from Component.) |
Sets a fixed height for this component. (Inherited from Component.) |
Sets the hit-test visibility of this component. (Inherited from Component.) |
Sets the horizontal alignment of this component inside the layout rectangle allocated by its parent panel. (Inherited from Component.) |
Sets the margin space around this component relative to the layout rectangle allocated by its parent panel. (Inherited from Component.) |
Sets the maximum number of legend labels that can be rendered in a single legend column. |
Sets the padding space between the content and the borders of this legend. |
(Inherited from Component.) |
Sets a value that indicates if series elements must be shown. |
Sets a value indicating whether to display the legend title. |
Sets the legend's title. |
Sets the Brush that is used to draw the legend's Title. |
Sets the name of font that is used to draw the legend's Title. |
Sets the size of the font that isbe used to draw the legend's Title. |
Sets the style of font that should be used to draw the legend's Title. |
Sets the component's tooltip text. (Inherited from Component.) |
Sets the vertical alignment of this component inside the layout rectangle allocated by its parent panel. (Inherited from Component.) |
Sets the visibility of this component. (Inherited from Component.) |
Sets a fixed width for this component. (Inherited from Component.) |
Sets a double value specifying the component's horizontal position relative to its parent. (Inherited from Component.) |
Sets a double value specifying the component's vertical position relative to its parent. (Inherited from Component.) |
Implements the visitor design pattern. (Inherited from Component.) |
Name | Description | |
Sums specified nullable double values. (Inherited from Component.) |
(Inherited from Component.) |
(Inherited from Component.) |