Diagram.ArrangeAnimated Method
See Also

Arranges the diagram using the specified graph layout algorithm, and animates items moving to their new positions.

Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming
Assembly: MindFusion.Diagramming


C#  Copy Code

public bool ArrangeAnimated (
    ILayout layout,
    int duration,
    AnimationType animationType,
    EasingType easingType

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Function ArrangeAnimated( _
    layout As ILayout, _
    duration As Integer, _
    animationType As AnimationType, _
    easingType As EasingType _
) As Boolean


An instance of Layout -derived class specifying the layout algorithm to apply.

An integer, specifying the duration of the animation in milliseconds.


A member of the AnimationType enumeration, specifying the animation type to use.


A member of the EasingType enumeration, specifying the type of easing function to apply to the animation.

 Return Value

true if the diagram has been arranged successfully, or false otherwise.

 See Also