Group.AttachToFractionalPosition Method
See Also

Attaches specified node to this group, keeping original size intact and maintaining original distance to point specified as fraction of main node's size.

Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming
Assembly: MindFusion.Diagramming


C#  Copy Code

public bool AttachToFractionalPosition (
    DiagramNode node,
    double xPercent,
    double yPercent

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Function AttachToFractionalPosition( _
    node As DiagramNode, _
    xPercent As Double, _
    yPercent As Double _
) As Boolean



The DiagramNode to be attached.


Percentage of main node's width.


Percentage of main node's height.

 Return Value

true if specified node was attached to the group, or false otherwise.

 See Also