DiagramView Class
Remarks See Also

A Blazor component that displays the content of a Diagram object.

Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming.Blazor
Assembly: MindFusion.Diagramming.Blazor


C#  Copy Code

public class DiagramView : ComponentBase, IDiagramView, IResolution

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Class DiagramView
    Inherits ComponentBase
    Implements IDiagramView, IResolution


The Behavior property specifies how the control responds to user actions with the mouse. To create a custom behavior class, use the CustomBehavior property.

AllowInplaceEdit specifies whether users are allowed to edit in-place the content of a diagram element by double-clicking it.

Users actions can be validated by handling various events, fired while the diagram or zoom factor is changed, or a custom in-place editor control is created.

 Inheritance Hierarchy


 See Also