ShapeComponent Class
Remarks See Also

Represents components which can display geometrical shapes.

Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming.Components
Assembly: MindFusion.Diagramming


C#  Copy Code

public class ShapeComponent : ComponentBase

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Class ShapeComponent
    Inherits ComponentBase


This component can be referenced from within XML content using the shortcut tag Shape. For more information about how to define component trees in XML see Components and XML.


The following example illustrates how to define a ShapeComponent in XML:

XML  Copy Code

<Shape Name="Shape" Shape="RoundRect" Brush="White" Pen="Blue" />

The following example demonstrates a shape defined through a path:

XML  Copy Code

<Shape Shape="M0,30 L50,30 L50,0 L100,50 L50,100 L50,70 L0,70 z" Pen="Red" />

 Inheritance Hierarchy


 See Also